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Company Details

  • Founded
  • Host Type
    Host Only
  • Franchise
  • Currently Accepting
    Beginner Agents, Experienced Agents
  • Accepts Agents in
  • # of Contractors
  • Annual Sales
    $132 million
  • Languages Spoken
  • Business Attributes
  • Profile Updated
  • GDS
    Amadeus, Sabre
  • Consortia
  • Accreditations
  • Members of
  • Seller of Travel
    California, Florida, Washington
  • E&O Insurance Included
  • Focuses
    Adventure, Cruise, Corporate, Disney, Groups, Leisure, Luxury, Ethnic, Honeymoon/DWs, FITs, Tours

Program Details

  • Ticketing Service for non-GDS Agents
  • Minimum Sales Requirement
  • Lead Program
  • Education Program
    IC Education, In-person, On-demand
  • Allows Sub-agents

Pricing & Commission

  • Military/Veteran discounts
  • Start Up Fee
  • Location requirement
    Storefront, Home-based
  • Annual Fee
  • Commission Split Range
    70% to 90%
  • Frequency of Commission Payments
  • Method of Payment
    Direct Deposit

Technology & Tools

  • Marketing Programs
    Direct Mail, Website Program, Consumer Magazine, E-mail Marketing, Social Media Tools
  • Leisure Tools
    Air Booking Tool, Cruise Booking Tool, Hotel Booking Tool
  • Corporate Tools
    Online Booking Tool, RFP Support
  • CRM

About Uniglobe Travel Center

Uniglobe Travel Center (UTC) has been hosting agents since 1996. UTC offers 3 programs accommodating those new to the industry, agents who have been booking travel for several years and industry veterans. The wide array of tools and resources provided in all programs give agents the ability to operate their travel business on a small or large scale. Phenomenal support, strong supplier relationships and a family environment are the key elements to Uniglobe’s success.

Watch our Host Week interview with Host Agency Reviews here: Uniglobe Travel Center 

Program Details:

  1. UTC’s Mentor U Program is for those who are new to the industry. 3 months of one-on-one and group mentoring gives future travel agents virtual on the job experience. All of Uniglobe’s tools and resources are included. Commission is 70% to start and increases as your sales increase. Commission adjusts to 80% at $100K in sales and then to 90% at 250K in annual sales.
  2. UTC's Mentor Premier Program is for agents who've either been away from the industry or are wanting to sharpen their skills. Our experienced coaching staff will provide 2 months of customized coaching, focusing on the the tools and concepts the advisor feels they need most.
  3. UTC’s Premier Program is for agents who have been booking travel for over a year and are looking to take their tour and cruise business to the next level. Commission is 70% to start and increases as your sales increase. Commission adjusts to 80% at $100K in sales and then to 90% at 250K in annual sales.
  4. The Pro Program is for experienced, GDS agents. Select your choice of Sabre or Amadeus. Agents enrolled in the Pro program receive 90% commission, have opportunities to earn airline commission and benefit from great support.

There is a one-time enrollment and monthly fee for each program. Program details and transparent pricing are available by clicking on links above or visit UTC welcomes you to schedule a call with us at your convenience here: Schedule a Discovery Call **Please note: We can only host agents within the continental United States.**